
Online impulse buying
Stimulating shopping
Relaxation shopping.


Abstract: this study investigates the influence of independent variables, including scarcity, serendipity and trust on online impulse buying. Besides, the paper examines the moderation role of two variables (stimulating shopping and relaxation shopping) in the interaction effects between those independent variables on online impulse buying. Data are collected from a sample of 209 consumers in Hue city. Structural equation is used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results suggest that while serendipity is significantly positive impacts on online impulse purchasing, scarcity has a significant negative influence on that one. Trust impacts on online buying as proved in some previous studies, but it has an insignificant influence in the context of impulsively online purchasing. Furthermore, stimulating shopping moderate the interaction effect between independent variables (scarcity and serendipity) on online impulse buying. However, relaxation shopping is not significant with moderation effect. By examining different type of drivers, this paper enriches knowledge on online impulse buying and suggest some implications for online retail manager and online trading platforms to attract more consumers and encourage more unplanned consumption. 

Keywords: Online impulse buying, Scarcity, Serendipity, Stimulating shopping, Relaxation shopping



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