Factors influencing the adoption of drought-resistant rice varieties in the context of water scarcity: a comparative study for farming households in Thua Thien Hue and An Giang provinces
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khan hiếm nước
giống lúa chịu hạn
mô hình Probit
Thừa Thiên Huế
An Giang water scarcity
drought-tolerant rice varieties
Probit model
Thua Thien Hue
An Giang


This study analyzes the factors affecting the selection of drought-tolerant rice varieties and their impact on the income of farmers. Based on a survey sample of 120 rice-growing households in the two study areas, we used Probit and linear regression models to estimate the factors affecting the choice of farmers. The results show that the factors that have an impact on the probability of using drought-tolerant rice varieties include the age of the household head, the number of family members, the monthly income of the household, the number of production crops in a year, and the total land area. The study also shows that the group of households applying drought-resistant rice varieties have higher income and selling prices than the group of households that do not, through the results of the t-test. From our findings, we highly recommend the adoption of drought-resitant rice varieties to mitigate the adverse impact of the increasing threats associated with climate change in general and water scarcity in particular.

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