MyTV television is provided on high-speed Internet via fiber optic cable with technology (Fiber To The Home) and on 3G, 4G, or 5G mobile platforms. The MyTV is currently becoming more and more varied in terms of its package, prices, customer care policies, and significant investment in resources to constantly improve results, efficiency, market share, and quality service. The service and service quality of MyTV at VNPT Dakrong District, Quang Tri Province, are developing relatively well and continuously improving, generating dual revenue based on broadband and mobile structure, which helps the business grow. This study has resolved some of the following basic issues: Overview of theory and research on telecommunications service quality and MyTV service quality; Assessment of the current status of MyTV service quality at VNPT Dakrong District, Quang Tri Province, in the period 2021 to 2023; The study has outlined policy implications and solutions that contribute to improving the quality of MyTV television services at the research unit based on the assessment of the current situation.
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