
bibliometric analysis
tourism and hospitality


A thorough literature review is essential for systematizing and evaluating prior studies, as it helps identify knowledge gaps and guide future research directions. This study employs the CiteSpace scientometric analysis tool to comprehensively assess the academic works on eWOM in the tourism and hospitality industry. The bibliometric analysis, based on 932 articles indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus from 2000 to September 2024, reveals that eWOM profoundly impacts activities within the tourism and hospitality sectors. Four major research themes are identified, including studies on the role and relationship of eWOM with tourists' decision-making, eWOM and sustainable tourism, eWOM, and new technological applications in the tourism and hospitality industries. Additionally, the study suggests future research directions, emphasizing the need to explore further the impact of emerging technologies, social media platforms, and consumer psychology on behavior in the tourism and hospitality sectors.



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