
generation Y
national identity
tourism ethnocentrism
perceived value
destination choice


In the era of globalization, the consumption of local products emerges as a key factor in promoting global sustainability, strengthening regional economies, and preserving cultural identities. However, there is limited research on this topic within the context of tourism. A deductive approach was utilized to propose four variables as antecedents of domestic destination choice. The underlying mechanisms in which these variables might lead to domestic destination choice are elaborated using social identity theory and the cognition-affect-behavior (C-A-B) model as the major theoretical underpinning. This study identifies the economic and socio-psychological motives behind the bias toward domestic tourism, along with the factors influencing tourists' perceptions of quality and value. Therefore, a conceptual model is developed to discuss the relative influences of tourism ethnocentrism, national identity, and perceived value on attitude and domestic destination choices, specifically targeting Millennials. Born between 1980 and 1999, this generation, commonly referred to as Millennials (or Generation Y), has emerged as a particularly fascinating consumer cohort. This conceptual paper has the potential to enhance the understanding of destination marketing theory and practice while providing a comprehensive view of the roles of national identity, tourism ethnocentrism, and perceived value toward tourism consumer behavior. Finally, key research propositions derived from the conceptual model outlined, along with suggestions for future research on tourism destination choice.



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