Ngoc Linh ginseng plays important in pharmaceutical industry because its triterpenoid saponin drugs could improve health and treat many diseases. Metal nanoparticles revealed completely new properties based on specific characteristics (size, distribution and morphology) compared to metal ions or salts, especially, their potential applications in plant tissue culture. Effects of metal nanoparticles (0.5–2.5 mg/L nZnO, 1–3 mg/L nAg, and 1–3 mg/L nCu) in free-hormone-MS medium were studied on the Ngoc Linh ginseng root culture. Results showed that nAg and nCu increased positive effects on the lateral root formation and growth at different concentrations. Except for, the root abnormal anatomical morphology revealed that cell layers of xylem, endodermis and epidermis thicken and darken, or vascular bundle expand, or some black points appeared in root caps and dorsal bundles. The optimal metal nanoparticle for the root growth is nCu; and the highest growth indexes were obtained at 1.5 mg/L nCu with 99.3% lateral root formation). The ginseng root grew at 2.5 mg/L nAg better, but more abnormalities. The inhibition growth and negative impacts on the ginseng root were recorded in the medium containing nZnO (0.5–2.5 mg/L) and the highest metal nanoparticle concentration (above 2.5 mg/L nCu and nAg).

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