Mineral compositions of magmatic dikes cutting across Khe Phen granites (Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue, Central Vietnam)

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Thuy NT, Le Huyen NT, Ngoc Tram NT, Nghia LH. Mineral compositions of magmatic dikes cutting across Khe Phen granites (Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue, Central Vietnam). hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2019Jun.7 [cited 2025Mar.3];128(1B):21-8. Available from:


The Khe Phen granite quarry located in Huong Tra district (Thua Thien Hue province) has been confirmed as a part of the Ba Na granitoid complex (G/K2bn), mostly composed of two-mica granite and porphyritic granite. Field survey data show that the granites here are cut across by five distinct narrow dikes (about 50–70 cm wide), including granite pegmatite, granite aplite, aplite, granodiorite, and lamprophyre. The mineral compositions of the granite pegmatite and aplite dikes are similar to those of the host granite, which is mainly comprised of quartz (27–35%), orthoclase (45–58%), plagioclase (4–15%), biotite (1–3%), and a few opaque minerals. Meanwhile, the granodiorite and lamprophyre dikes are melanocratic and compositionally much more mafic, particularly lamprophyre, evidenced by a presence of hornblende (50–55%), plagioclase (33–40%), quartz (3–15%), calcite (5–17%), etc. The origin and emplacement age of the latter dikes have not been reported so far and thus, are needed for further studies based on geochemical and isotopic data.



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