Effects of water stress treatment on fluctuations of MtDHDPS1 gene encoding of dihydrodipicolinate synthase in Medicago truncatula
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Hồng HTK, Ngọc Hạnh NT, Hoàng Đinh T, Long Đặng T, Minh Thu NT, Hà NV, Hồng Trang PT. Effects of water stress treatment on fluctuations of MtDHDPS1 gene encoding of dihydrodipicolinate synthase in Medicago truncatula. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2019Oct.25 [cited 2025Mar.3];128(1E):27-3. Available from:


This paper presents the results of the effect of water stress treatment on the fluctuation of the MtDHDPS1 gene encoding dihydrodipicolinate synthase (MtDHDPS, EC in leaves of M. truncatula. Enzyme MtDHDPS plays an important role in the regulation of lysine biosynthesis in the Legume group, in general, and M. truncatula, in particular. The 3-week-old plants were treated with water stress in shortage for 5 days and 10 days, then the samples were corrected for research. The results of quantitative mRNA analysis by RT-PCR technique show that the water stress treatment has changed the expression level of this gene, in which the threshold cycle value (Ct) of MtDHDPS1 gene in both 5-day and 10-day drought-treated samples is lower than the corresponding untreated control water samples, and the level of MtDHDPS1 gene expression in 5-day drought-treated plants is 25.53 ­­­­­= 46.2 times as high as that in the 10-day drought-treated plants.

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