Photoelectrochemical characterizations of hybrid nanostructure of few-layer ZnO/MoS2 nanorod
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Hiền BTT, Chi TTK, Thành NT, Tân MM, Đại NT, Hùng NM, Lâm T Đại, Bích VT. Photoelectrochemical characterizations of hybrid nanostructure of few-layer ZnO/MoS2 nanorod. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.3];129(1C):15-22. Available from:


In this work, we report the photoelectrochemical (PEC) characteristics of the few-layer MoS2 deposited on ZnO nanorod (ZnO/MoS2), synthesized with the hydrothermal and the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition method. This hybrid structure enhances the photoexcited electron–hole pair separation and the rapid transfer of charge carriers in photoelectrical cells via the built-in potential appearing on the interlayer between ZnO and MoS2. The PEC cell of ZnO/MoSphotoelectrode exhibits a current density of 1.15 mA·cm–2 and an efficiency of 0.61% at a potential of 0.2 V, which is 6.3 times higher compared with the photoelectrode manufactured from ZnO nanorods. From these results, we propose a potential application of MoS2 hybrid photocatalyst materials, such as metal oxides and Si, for enhancing the efficiency of PEC devices.
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