Formation of radiation-disturbed layer in Al/SiO2/n-Si structures irradiated with helium ions with energy 5 MeV


silicon dioxide
MOS structures
radiation-disturbed layer

How to Cite

Nha VQ, Thang LV, Thuy Linh HT, Gorbachuk NI, Cuong NX. Formation of radiation-disturbed layer in Al/SiO2/n-Si structures irradiated with helium ions with energy 5 MeV. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2020Aug.5 [cited 2025Mar.3];129(1D):71-5. Available from:


This paper presents the change in the volt-farad characteristics of the Al/SiO2/n-Si structure irradiated with helium ions with the energy of 5 MeV in the frequencies of 1, 10, 100, and 1000 kHz. The voltage dependence of the capacitance and the frequency dependence of the dissolution angle are measured on an LCR Agilent E4980A and Agilent 4285A meter. The hodograph of the irradiated structure shows that there is a formation of a quasi-continuous radiation-disturbed layer at a fluence of 1012 cm–2 with U < –7 V and 1013 cm–2 with U < –20 V, which enhances the speed of charged particles, thereby increasing the reverse current in the irradiated structure.


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