Finite-region stability of 2-D singular Roesser systems with directional delays


Finite-region stability
2-D singular systems
Roesser model
linear matrix inequalities

How to Cite

Le HV, Le AT. Finite-region stability of 2-D singular Roesser systems with directional delays. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2021Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];130(1D):83-92. Available from:


In this paper, the problem of finite-region stability is studied for a class of two-dimensional (2-D) singular systems described by using the Roesser model with directional delays. Based on the regularity, we first decompose the underlying singular 2-D systems into fast and slow subsystems corresponding to dynamic and algebraic parts. Then, with the Lyapunov-like 2-D functional method, we construct a weighted 2-D functional candidate and utilize zero-type free matrix equations to derive delay-dependent stability conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). More specifically, the derived conditions ensure that all state trajectories of the system do not exceed a prescribed threshold over a pre-specified finite region of time for any initial state sequences when energy-norms of dynamic parts do not exceed given bounds.


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