Model predictive direct power control of three-level T-type inverter-fed doubly-fed induction generator for wind energy system


doubly-fed induction generator
three-level T-type inverter
finite control set model predictive control
direct power control
capacitor voltage balancing
wind energy system

How to Cite

Ngo VQB, Nguyen KQ, Nguyen TH, Hoang DL, Dao QC. Model predictive direct power control of three-level T-type inverter-fed doubly-fed induction generator for wind energy system. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2021Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];130(1D):5-14. Available from:


The paper proposes a simplified direct power control strategy of a doubly-fed induction generator fed by a three-level T-type inverter based on finite control set model predictive control. A mathematical model based on grid voltage orientation was employed to determine the predictive values of the stator flux, rotor current, and capacitor voltages for all feasible rotor-side inverter output voltages. The active and reactive powers were calculated by using the grid voltage and the rotor current. A cost function was applied to track the active and reactive powers, maintain the balance of capacitor voltages, and reduce the common-mode voltage. The best switching control input was chosen by minimizing the cost function and implemented to the inverter. Different operating conditions of wind turbine systems were studied with Matlab/Simulink environment. The simulation results validate the improved performance of the proposed method compared with the classical control in terms of transient response and steady-state conditions.


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