Impact of Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-sections for 182W(n,γ)183W reaction on W isotopic compositions


neutron capture reaction
isotopic composition

How to Cite

Nguyen NL. Impact of Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-sections for 182W(n,γ)183W reaction on W isotopic compositions. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2021Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];130(1D):39-45. Available from:


The W isotopic compositions have been investigated within the classical approach to the s-process nucleosynthesis. The Maxwellian averaged neutron capture cross-sections (MACS) adopted in the calculation are obtained from the TALYS-1.9 code with four nuclear level density models: the constant temperature plus Fermi gas, the back-shifted Fermi gas, the generalised superfluid, and the microscopic method of Goriely. The results show that the uncertainty from MACS values is already propagated in the W isotopic ratios, and the generalised superfluid prediction exhibits the largest deviation from the observed 182W/184W ratio. In addition, since branching points have not been considered in this work, the MACS values of the 182W(n,γ)183W reaction are found not to affect the estimated 183W/184W ratio.


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