Propagation of electromagnetic waves in hyperbolic metamaterials with epsilon near-zero permittivity
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siêu vật liệu hyperbolic
độ thấm điện môi gần bằng 0
sợi nano kim loại nhúng trong nền điện môi hyperbolic metamaterial
metallic nanowires
dielectric matrix
near-zero permittivity

How to Cite

Nguyễn PQA, Lê NM. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in hyperbolic metamaterials with epsilon near-zero permittivity. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];132(1A):29-3. Available from:


In this paper, we investigated hyperbolic metamaterials based on a structure containing metallic nanowires embedded in a dielectric matrix with the utility environment theory method. Hyperbolic metamaterials with near-zero permittivity may exist simultaneously in type I and type II. The propagation of transverse electromagnetic waves in these two types of metamaterial was considered. The diverging incident light beam seems to convert into a well-collimated beam and transfers all its energy in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the hyperbolic metamaterial of type I in the region of special values ​​of the incidence angle from –5 to 5°. In the hyperbolic metamaterial of type II, the light wave entirely transmits through the material layers, while the transmittance remains constant in the range of incident angle values ​​from –40 to 40°. The radius of the metal nanowires and the material thickness also affect the characteristics of electromagnetic wave propagation.
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