Genetic diversity analysis of Centella asiatica L. Urban in Vietnam with RAPD marker


Centella asiatica
Apiaceae family
genetic diversity

How to Cite

Ho THN, Rasphone S, Chanthanousone H, Nguyen BLQ, Le MHD, Truong HTH. Genetic diversity analysis of Centella asiatica L. Urban in Vietnam with RAPD marker. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.1];132(1B):101-12. Available from:


Centella asiatica (L.) Urb., belonging to the Apiaceae family, grows widely in shady, moist or marshy places. C. asiatica has been used in traditional medical systems in Asia for over 100 years. A better understanding of genetic diversity is essential for its conservation and use. In this study, we performed the genetic diversity analysis for 24 cultivars of Centella asiatica using 24 selected RAPD markers. There are genetic differences among the studied samples. However, the molecular screening with RAPD markers shows that genetic difference (0.0025–0.2194) and genetic diversity indices (%P = 42.02%, h = 0.1272, I = 0.1938) are relatively low. Besides, HUIB_CA06 and HUIB_CA26 (from Thua Thien Hue province) are genetically different from the remaining varieties, which warrants further analysis of these varieties.


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