Imaginary part of microscopic optical potential at negative energies


microscopic optical potential
negative energies Thế quang học vi mô
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Do Quang T, Nguyen VP, Nguyen MH, Nguyen Thi HN, Tran Duy QN, Tran Viet NH, Vo LU. Imaginary part of microscopic optical potential at negative energies. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.1];132(1B):133-7. Available from:


In this paper, we calculate the diagonal contributions W(R, s = 0) of the imaginary part of the microsopic optical potential at negatives energies, where W(R, s) =
Σlj(2j+1)/4π Im∆Σlj(r, r′, ω), with R = 1/2.(r + r′) corresponding to the radius and shape of
Im∆Σ, and s = r - r′. To do it, the microscopic optical potential has been calculated
by using the nuclear structure approach which is based on the Green function method. The coupling between the particle and collective phonon has been performed to calculate the dynamic part of the optical potential. It has been found that the imaginary part at negative energies is very small as expected. The calculated W(R, 0) is maximum on the surface and deacreases to zero in the interior.


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