Detecting pasteurella multocida causing pasteurellosis in Phan Rang sheep with PCR method
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cừu Phan Rang
tụ huyết trùng
P. multocida
KMT1 Phan Rang sheep

How to Cite

Nguyễn TKC, Nguyễn HT, Nguyễn TD, Nguyễn TO, Hồ TXT, Bùi VL, Nguyễn XH, Lê CT, Nguyễn VP. Detecting pasteurella multocida causing pasteurellosis in Phan Rang sheep with PCR method. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];132(1A):157-66. Available from:


Pasteurellosis is an infectious disease causing severe damage to livestock and poultry since it leads to animals’ death, including sheep of all ages. In this study, we developed a sensitive, specific and accurate PCR method for detecting P. multocida in Phan Rang sheep using FKMT1/RKMT1 primers targeted to the KMT1 gene of P. multocida. The PCR-based method was used to detect the KMT1 gene from 104 copies of the KMT1-bearing plasmid. The method’s specificity was demonstrated by the successful amplification of KMT1 from the mixture containing other DNA of Gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli or M. haemolytica. In particular, with the present method, we successfully detected P. multocida with crude DNA obtained from P. multocida or nasal swabs of pasteurellosis-suspected sheep samples treated in a TE buffer containing 0.1% TritonX-100. This is the first report on using a PCR-based method for detecting P. multocida from Phan Rang sheep, and it can serve as the basis for an effective procedure to diagnose pasteurellosis in sheep.
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