Removal of Pb from industrial wastewater by using Muc weed (Eclipta alba)
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Eclipta Alba
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hệ số chuyển vị Eclipta Alba
industrial wastewater
bioconcentration factor
translocation factor

How to Cite

Đỗ Quang T. Removal of Pb from industrial wastewater by using Muc weed (Eclipta alba). hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2024Mar.29 [cited 2025Mar.3];133(1A):53-62. Available from:


One of the major ongoing environmental problems is the contamination of water and soil by toxic metals. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the potential use of Muc weed (Eclipta alba) to remove lead (Pb) from contaminated water by phytoremediation and to investigate the effects of some parameters (Pb concentration, contact time and pH value) on the Pb removal efficiency of E. alba. The results showed that at a concentration of 50 ppm, E. alba presented the highest removal efficiency of Pb2+ (99.34%) after 7 days. In addition, the results also showed that pH= 7 is the optimal pH for Pb removal by the E. alba (98.95% efficiency). The analysis results showed that after 7 days of treatment at pH=7, the Pb accumulation capacity of roots, shoots, and leaves were 2861.2 mg/kg, 2497.1 mg/kg, and 503.2 mg/kg, respectively. Furthermore, the results also indicated that E. alba had a translocation factor (TF) >1 and a bioconcentration factor (BCF) of shoot >1 for Pb, so it is suitable for the extraction of Pb from industrial wastewater.
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