Characterization of schweinfurthinol 9-O-β-D-pyranoglucoside as a potential anti-diabetic compound via in-silico studies


α-glucosidase inhibitors
α-amylase inhibitors
schweinfurthinol 9-O-β-D-pyranoglucoside

How to Cite

Tran ST, Phan TKT, Pham THT, Tran TTH, Dang XD, Do VC, Truong BP. Characterization of schweinfurthinol 9-O-β-D-pyranoglucoside as a potential anti-diabetic compound via in-silico studies. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2025Mar.3 [cited 2025Mar.3];133(1D). Available from:


Schweinfurthinol 9-O-β-D-pyranoglucoside (SP) was isolated from Euonymus laxiflorus Champ. (ELC) and found as novel α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitors in our previous works via experimental studies. This work aims to further characterize SP as a potential inhibitor of α-glucosidase and α-amylase and develop an anti-diabetic drug via in-silico studies. Molecular docking indicated that SP interacted with targeting enzymes α-glucosidase (Q6P7A9) and α-amylase (1SMD) with acceptable RMSD values (≤2.0 Å) and showed an efficient binding energy with DS values of –10.4 and –12.0 kcal/mol, respectively. The binding energy of SP is comparable with that of acarbose, an anti-diabetic compound, with DS values of –11.2 to –12.7 kcal/mol for enzymes Q6P7A9 and 1SMD, respectively. The analysis indicated that SP satisfied all the requirements of Lipinski’s Rules of Five while acarbose might conform to approximately 20% of Lipinski’s rules criteria. Furthermore, SP showed satisfied ADMET properties in the required permitted limit. The result of this work suggested that SP might be a potential candidate with good drug-likeness properties and a high possibility of being an anti-diabetic drug.
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