
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles are origin from researchers and scientific announcements in fields of Social Sciences and Humanity, Culture and Arts; Nature; Life science and Agriculture-Forestry-Fisheries; Educational science and Management; Earth science and the Environment; Economy and Development, all of articles are not published in any journals and magazines.
    The Subscriber acknowledges that all right, title and interest in and to the Subscribed Products remain with Hue University Journal of Science and its suppliers, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, and that the distribution of the Subscribed Products could materially Hue University Journal of Science and its suppliers.

  • Maximum manuscrip 10 pages and size "10 x 19 cm" Page 27 cm, Word, Unicode fonts (font: Palatino Linotype), font size 10, format all margins are 2 cm, spacing: 1:15 Lines , spacing between paragraphs: 6pt before and after 3pt. Mathematical formulas using MathType; the right type of formula. The figure clearly, not exceeding 7x14 cm, are PNG, JPG, WMF. Names of the figure at the bottom and names of tables at the top table and bold.

  • The manuscript must be had a summary (abstract) and keywords (keyworks) in Vietnamese and English. Abstract not exceeding 200 words and reflect the basic content of the paper. The headline of the article, author's name, name of working institutions, summarized placed at the top of the article. Need specific keywords, list 3-5 words or phrases.

  • These references must be written in these languages "Latin letters and characters". References are arranged in each language (Vietnamese, English and others), going in alphabetical order by author's name for the Vietnamese, they author for foreigners; full of information and in accordance with the following: - For the book / thesis / anthology reports: Order number, full name or the name of the author agency issued, the year of publication (in parenthesis single), title / thesis / report (italic), publisher (publisher), place of ban.- for articles in magazines, all in one book: order number, last name and the name of the author, year of publication (in parentheses), title, journal name or book title (in italics), set (no separator) number (in parentheses), the number of pages (dash between two numbers).

  • Citations must be in the serial number of the text and in the list of references, is placed in square brackets, when the number of pages required. Example: [1], [10, p. 21-22] ....


  • Last page of article required the authors: Responsible name, academic titles, working institions/studying places, address, phone, e-mail and agreement for publishing and signature (s) of the author.


  • If you use "LaTeX", authors must defined above and select the font "Palatino Linotype" font matching.


  • Fee must be paid by Bank account/Cheque/on table.

    English article will changed the fee in July 2016

    Vietnamese article: 600,000 VND


  • The manuscript will be sent directly on Journal Management System "". All articles in the Hue University journal of Science will be published in full text on the website of the Journal and national scientific systems of Vietnam.


  • Detailed modalities of the article (in Word and Latex) on Systems Management of the Journal, website: and section Guide modalities article.


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