Data for the study was collected from various sources including both primary and secondary sources. The main research approach was to combine scientific and local indigenous knowledge, integrate GIS and participatory mapping. Results showed that the hazards which often occur in Quan Ba district include drought, cold spells and hoarfrost, heavy rain and whirlwinds. Drought usually occurs in Quan Ba district between October and April. The cold spells and hoarfrost usually occur from October to February which is also the time of drought occurring and that dual impact on crops productivity. Heavy rain causing landslides usually occurs between May and July. Whirlwinds occur throughout the year but are predominantly in April to June with increasing intensity. Application PGIS for mapping people’s historical knowledge of the location, frequency, spatial extent, intensity of frequent hazards in Quan Ba district showed not only the specific location of villages and communes affected, but also calculate the affected area at different impact levels by each hazard type in the district. SWOT analysis for exiting natural hazards warning system showed that the climate disaster warning system is limited and the ability to quickly supply hazard related information is limited. Based on that, this study proposed solutions to reduce hazard impacts with multiple hazard approach.
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