
  • Lê Đăng Bảo Châu Trường Đại học Khoa học


Nearly 30 years after the Renovation (1986), the child protection, care and education in Vietnam have achieved many important successes. Children’s rights have been guaranteed and protected. However, child labor is still problematic. Recently, an emerging phenomenon has been formed and increasing rapidly (since 1990), that children from the rural areas migrating to the big cities, earning for living and supporting their family. This study does not mention the direct or indirect factors affecting the migrating decisions of the households but focuses on analysing the difficulties that the children, acting as migrant workers, are coping with when living and working away from home. The study shows the evidence for the vulnerability of migrant working children who need social protection.

Author Biography

Lê Đăng Bảo Châu, Trường Đại học Khoa học

Phó trưởng khoa Xã hội học, Trường Đại Học Khoa học-Đại học Huế


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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities