
  • Doan Chi Cuong Danang University
  • Vo Van Minh Danang University
  • Phan Nhat Truong Danang University


This study was carried out to assess the heavy metal contents (Zn, Pb and Cr) in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) grown at Tuy Loan and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown at Dien Minh’s vegetable-field. The results showed that the contents of all heavy metals in soil samples didn’t exceed the permissible levels according to GB 15618:1995 and QCVN 03:2008/MONRE. These were accordance with soil assessment by pollution load index (PLI). Similarly, the contents of Zn, Pb, and Cr in Indian mustard and lettuce’s leaves at Tuy Loan and Dien Minh were lower than permissible limits compared with GB13106-1991, GB 2762: 2005 and QCVN 8-2:2011/MOH. Most of the heavy metals contents in roots were higher than in leaves. For Indian mustard, the TFsoil-root values of Zn and Cr from soil to root were higher than TFroot-leaf values from the root to the leaf, which was in contrast with Pb. While, for lettuce, the TFsoil-root values of Zn, and Pb were higher than TFroot-leaf, which was in contrast with Cr. The results also indicated that there weren’t any risk to human health when using vegetables planted at these areas in daily meal (HI < 1).


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Journal of Earth Science and Environment