Decomposition of Acacia’s bark by using biological inoculants
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vỏ keo inoculants
acacia bark


We evaluated the capability to degrade acacia bark with five inoculants (Inoculant EM, Inoculant Emuniv, Inoculant Emic, Inoculant AT-YTB, and Inoculant Sagi Bio) in the laboratory (45 °C, 60% humidity, 1 g of product/1 kg of acacia bark) to select the ones suitable to composting. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications per treatment. The indicators were monitored at the time before incubation and on the 10th, 20th, and 30th day after incubation. The results show that, on the 30th day, the lignin and cellulose contents of the acacia’s bark in all treatments decreased by 7.8–10% and 6.65–8.45%. The content of lignin (13.8%), cellulose (22.5%), substances soluble in hot water and alcohol in treatment with Inoculant Emic and the content of cellulose in treatment with Inoculant Bio (22.7%) are statistically different compared with the control. All inoculants have a good effect on the moisture and pH of acacia’s bark. The total nitrogen content in all treatments tends to increase slightly from 0.28 to 0.38%. The content of OC and C/N tends to decrease gradually over time (by 16.46–17.56% and 10.2 - 14.2%). Under laboratory conditions, the Emic inoculant and the Sagi Bio inoculant have a good effect on the decomposition of acacia’s bark during 30 days of incubation.
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