Infection rate of coccidia in H're chickens raised in the open farm model in Quang Ngai province
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infection rate
H’re chicken
Quang Ngai cầu trùng
tỷ lệ nhiễm
gà H’re
Quảng Ngãi


Coccidiosis is one of the common diseases on chicken, which has caused major impacts on economy of poultry industry. The objectives of this study were to determine the infection rate and the intensity of coccidiosis in H're chicken raised in Nam Thuan farm, Quang Ngai province at different ages, different faecal sample status, and the efficacy of treatment drug used in infected chickens. A total of 350 faecal samples were collected from 6 pens of H’re chicken at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old. Drug (common name known as DIACOC with mixed rate of 3 g/L of water) for treatment of coccidiosis was used at 4, 5 and 6 week-old of chicken after coccidia oocysts were found in faecal samples. Coccidia oocysts were detected by floating edema method. The results showed that the average infection rate of coccidiosis in H're chickens was 46.85%. In overall, the infection rate increased onwards from 2nd week-old (11.11%) to 4th week-old (87.5%) and decreased from 5th week-old (67.53%) to 6th week-old (52.78%) of the chickens. The infection rate varied depending on faecal status. The results also indicated that the infection rate of coccidiosis in H’re chicken was decreased to 7.5% after a week of applying drug treatment. The findings of this research provide a valuable insight into coccidiosis prevention and treatment in chickens, especially for H’re chicken.
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