Assessment of forest status change based on normalized difference vegetation index in Aluoi district, Thua Thien Hue province
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forest status
vegetation Index
A Luoi hiện trạng rừng
chỉ số thực vật
huyện A Lưới


Assessment of the vegetation cover, particularly the forest cover, is crucial for effectively managing and building forest development and protection plans. In this study, we used Landsat - 5, 8 satellite images in April of 1991, 2016, and 2022 to evaluate the correlation between forest status and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and randomly verified 4,911 points on the map of forest status in 2016. The results show a relatively strong correlation between the bare land, bushland, plantation forest, natural forest and the NDVI with the following correlation MaHTR = 1/(1.851 – 1.936 × NDVI2016), with R2 being 67.4% and p < 0.05. The results obtained in 1991–2022 indicate that the forest status in the study sites had an NDVI increase for the natural forests with a low NDVI in the regions close to villages, transport systems, and hydropower stations.
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