Impact of prestige people in public access to Land and implementation of Land-use rights of H’re ethnic minorities in An Lao district, Binh Dinh province
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land-use rights
land access
prestigious people H’rê
người có uy tín
quyền sử dụng đất
tiếp cận đất đai


The study was conducted to set the basis for the Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee and the Ethnic Minority Committee to issue policies and support programs to further promote the role of reputable people in ethnic minority communities. The research model and hypothesis were tested by using the Smart PLS 3 software with 118 samples. The results show that the H're ethnic minority people's access to Land and exercise of Land use rights are strongly influenced by the role of reputable people in the communities, evidenced from the level of significance of 1%. At the same time, the β coefficient of the path to assess the relationship from the role of reputable people in the community to accessing Land and exercising Land-use rights is up to 0.795. An estimated path coefficient close to +1 indicates strong positive relationships.
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