Tóm tắt

Abstract: While mangrove forests support large surrounding populations and diverse economic activities, mangrove areas in Central Vietnam are decreasing. This study, thereforce, aims to understand the current status and threats facing mangrove conservation and development. A survey of 52 respondents was conducted in Duy Xuyen district, the largest area of mangrove forests of Quang Nam province. The results show that 17 mangrove species belong to 11 families, in which 8 significant species and 9 minor species were found in this site. The distribution of species was uneven with dominated by Nipah palms (Nypafruticans Wurmb). Although the mangrove species had several useful functions including protection against wind, wave break and serving tourism development, mangrove areas have been decreasing from 26.39ha to 18.22ha during period of 1999-2018. In which, 67.3% of respondents argued that the conversion of mangroves to aquaculture is one of the main causes of mangrove loss. The study also provided some suggestions related to a long-term development strategy for both government and local community, especially who are directly involving in the mangrove for their livelihoods.

Keywords: Central Vietnam, development strategy, mangrove forests, livelihoods

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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