Accurate tourism demand forecasting for a destination plays a vital role in advising policymakers to plan and devise strategies related to investments in facilities, infrastructure improvements and services development. There are many different approaches in tourism demand forecasting, in which the one based on time-series data has attracted the most attention due to the unstructured nature of the particular data type. Neural networks have been evaluated as a predictive method specifically suited to this type of unstructured data. This paper examines the usage of neural networks, including MLP, RBF and ELN, to forecast tourism demand using time-series data in Thua Thien Hue. The analysis and comparison based on simulation show that the RBF network gives the best forecast result with the lowest MSE, RMSE, MAE and MAPE. This result is not only consistent with previous studies but also further confirms that the spatial conversion from nonlinear to linear of the hidden layer makes RBF powerful for the non-structural data.
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