This study is conducted to build an assessment scale on stakeholders' readiness level to apply blockchain technology to the agricultural supply chain. By referencing the theoretical model of Technology - Organization - Environment (TOE) combined with the qualitative research step, the study proposed a new scale with 65 observed items and 18 factors. Next, the study carries out a quantitative research step based on the case of the pork supply chain in Hue. The sample consists of 365 individual/organizational stakeholders. The analysis results shortened the proposed scale to 62 observed items, 18 factors, and 4 second-order factors – including readiness on technological conditions (TEC), readiness on inter-organizational conditions (INTER), readiness on intra-organizational conditions (INTRA), and readiness on environmental conditions (ENV). Further analyzing the importance of the factors, the results reveal that relative advantage (RA), trust (TRU), trading partner pressure (TPP), firm size (FS), top management support (TMS), and competitive pressure (CP) are considered the essential foundations for the adoption of blockchain technology to the agricultural supply chain.
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