Diversity of flowering plants in natural vegetation in Quang Tri province’s sand dune region
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Thảo HX, Thảo TTH, Lân NK. Diversity of flowering plants in natural vegetation in Quang Tri province’s sand dune region . hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.3];129(1C):31-42. Available from:


Species composition was determined from 455 random quadrats of size 100 m2. The survey results in 311 species belonging to 226 genera, 94 families, 59 orders, and 12 subclasses. The study adds 29 species, 20 genera, and 5 families to the flowering flora at the locality. The flowering flora endemic to Vietnam consists of 36 species, accounting for 11.57% of the total species. The dominant families include Cyperaceae (26 species), Poaceae (21 species), Rubiaceae (15 species), Asteraceae (14 species), Myrtaceae (11 species), Fabaceae (11 species), Phyllanthaceae (9 species), Apocynaceae (9 species), Lauraceae (8 species), Euphorbiaceae (8 species), and Verbenaceae (8 species). The life-form spectrum of flowering plants in the study area is 48.23 Ph + 4.18 Ch + 18.33 He + 9.97 Cr + 19.29 Th. The main geographical elements of this flora include Tropical Asia (18.01 %), Indo-China (16.40 %), and India (12.54 %). The natural vegetation exhibits high Simpson’s diversity index (0.915) and low Simpson’s evenness index (0.038).

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