Extraction of pectin from watermelon peels for pineapple and aloe vera jam fabrication
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How to Cite

Đông NK, Mạnh LH, Huyền Trân LT. Extraction of pectin from watermelon peels for pineapple and aloe vera jam fabrication. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.3];129(1C):69-75. Available from:


This study aims at the determination of the optimal parameters in the pectin extraction from watermelon peels, namely, pH, time, temperature, solvent, and material/water ratio. The results show that the highest pectin content is obtained by using nitric acid at pH 1.65; the precipitate solvent is isopropanol; the material/water ratio is 2.5:50 (g/mL); the temperature is 95 °C, and the time is 90 minutes. The appropriate pectin concentration to make gel in jam is 1.5%. The pectin extraction is simple, and therefore it can be applied to the production of pectin, pineapple jam, and aloe vera jam in the laboratory and industrial scales.

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