Preliminary data on species composition of aquatic insects at Ayun Ha Lake, Gia Lai province
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Hồ Ayun Hạ
Gia Lai aquatic insect
Ayun Ha Lake

How to Cite

Trung H Đình, Nguyễn DT. Preliminary data on species composition of aquatic insects at Ayun Ha Lake, Gia Lai province. hueuni-jns [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2025Mar.3];132(1A):17-2. Available from:


The research was conducted from March 2020 to September 2022 at Ayun Ha Lake, Gia Lai province. We identified 73 species belonging to 65 genera, 33 families, and seven orders of aquatic insects. Among them, the Ephemeroptera is the most diversified, with 17 species (23.29% ), 14 genera (21.54%), and eight families (24.24%). The Trichoptera comprises 17 species (23.29%), 16 genera (24.62%), and 11 families (33.33%), followed by the Plecoptera consisting of 15 species (20.55%), 11 genera (16.92%), and two families (6.06%). The Diptera comprises eight species (10.96%), eight genera (12.31%), and four families (12,12%). The Odonata consists of seven species (9.59%), seven genera (10.77%), and three families (9.09%). The Coleoptera is represented by five species (6.85%), five genera (7.69%), and three families (9.09%). The Hemiptera includes four species (5.48%), four genera (6.15%), and two families (6.06%).
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