Nguyen Tri is a writer who has made a breakthrough on the path from
“gold digger” to “typewriter” of the literature in the early twenty-first century. His stories were told simple and familiarly, but it makes a deep impression on the readers. Through each situation, the writer revealed many reflections on life, from the war past to the complex reality. From the perspective of intertextuality, Nguyen Tri has built an attractive novel space with responsible and thoughtful dialogue dimensions of the writer.
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- Nguyễn Trí (2014), Thiên đường ảo vọng, Nxb Trẻ, Hà Nội.
- Nguyễn Trí (2017), Bụi đời và thục nữ, Nxb Văn hoá – Văn nghệ, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh.
- Nguyễn Trí (2018), Ăn bay, Nxb Phụ nữ, Hà Nội.