In comparison with ancient Orient nations, the Greek state was born much later and they created a new state institution which was a republic. This state was different from the government of absolute monarchies in the Orient. The state of Athens (Athènes) - an important city-state in ancient Greece, was a democratic republic and was gradually improved through the reforms that took place from the sixth to the fifth century BC. This is the first democratic republic in world history and it had a profound influence on the model of republic and democratic states in the world, especially in Europe and North America in modern times.
- Chiem Te, Ancient World History, vol 2, Hanoi National University Press, Hanoi, 2000
- Craig, Graham, Ozment (Harvard University) and Kagan, Turner (Yale University), The Heritage of World Civilizations, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA, 2003
- J.M.Roberts, the New History of the World, Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Le Pettit Larousse, Nouvelle Edition, Paris, 1995.
- Louis Girard, Égypte Orient Grèce, Bordas Publishing company, Paris, 1967.
- https://cleisthenes-plus-democracy.weebly.com/legacy.html
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/564146290806579849/?lp=true
- . https://studylib.net/doc/5225093/ppt---ramos--world-history-class