
sự gắn bó với địa phương, sự đồng nhất điểm đến, tình cảm với điểm đến, sự phụ thuộc điểm đến, sự gắn kết gia đình, sự gắn kết xã hội place attachment, place identity, place affect, place dependence, family bonding, friends bonding.


The concept of place attachment has received considerable attention in many academic fields and when it comes to tourism, it has been used to examine the relationship between individual and place. The purpose of this study is using the integrated conceptual model to measure the place attachment of local residents who live in Thanh Noi area toward Hue tourism destination. The fingdings indicated a five – dimensional model of place attachment comprising of place identity, place affect, place dependence, family bonding and friends bonding. The results also revealed that local residents in Thanh Noi area developed a strong and close cognitive and affective attachment to both the physical and social characteristics of the place, especially family bonding. In addition to certain results, the study has some limitations in terms of sample size, limited time as well as using more advanced data analysis techniques, e.g. conducting a higher-order model to measure dimension of residence attachment to their hometown.


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