
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a serious crisis, affecting all aspects of people's life and economy in society, especially vulnerable populations, including migrantion workers return to the locality during the epidemic outbreak. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has been controlled, the consequences will take time to recover, forcing migrantion workers to proactively seek urgent response solutions to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Research focuses on understanding the solutions and intentions of migrantion workers in impact of the COVID-19 pandemic through a survey of 298 households with migrantion workers who had to return to their localities in 6 communes the coastal area of Thua Thien Hue province. The research results showed that despite the great impact of the same epidemic, there were differences between female and male migrantion workers in accessing and receiving government supports, as well as in choosing appropriate adaptation solutions and follow-up plans when the epidemic is under control. Research suggests social security in general and job creation and vocational training policies in particular to support migrant workers to adapt to the impact of the pandemic.


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