Tóm tắt

The roles of the teacher and students in online language classes have been a well-researched area, yielding various insights into the potentials of online technologies and the need for a consideration of re-defining classroom roles. Drawing on a case study, for particularities, this paper presents the results of an exploratory investigation into the development of classroom roles in an EFL Listening class integrating online technologies at a university. Teacher and student interviews and Zoom class observations were used as instruments for data collection. Findings from qualitative data analysis show two major issues. First, there was a critical development of the teacher’s roles and her students’ roles over a semester of listening instruction totally based on online technologies. Second, online technologies helped enable the development of roles, which otherwise was impossible. Among the discussion issues, an argument that can be raised concerns the relationship between teachers' and students' roles and identities. The paper implies a need to redefine classroom roles in higher education.
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